Book Interviews

Being a YouTuber: One Creator’s Bumpy Road to 1M Subscribers was published in November 2022. Read an excerpt for free on Amazon.

February 24, 2025. I was a guest on Ron Lancaster’s daily talk show on the WVBF radio station in Taunton, MA. Tune in to 1530 AM, 99.7 FM.

December 2024. My article “A License to Life Creatively” appeared in the magazine The Relatable Voice (pp. 36-37), Issue #28. Read the “flip” copy here.

September 30, 2024. Lucia Matuonto shared my audio story on “Catch the Story.” (Episode 40) Enjoy more stories from Lucia on Spotify.

August 28, 2024. I was a guest on Rick Flynn Presents. Rick Flynn is a veteran media personality based in Cincinnati, OH. His podcast is distributed on Spotify, iHeartRadio, and Apple Podcasts.

August 11, 2024. I was a guest on The Stuph File Program hosted by Peter Anthony Holder, a veteran of radio and TV. The show is distributed on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and TuneIn. It is also broadcast on various radio stations, including WorldFM in New Zealand; WLSL-LP FM in Dade City, FL; KZZH-LP FM in Eureka, CA; CFQR600 in Montreal; CKUW 95.9 FM in Winnipeg; CKLU 96.7 FM in Sudbury, CFMU in Hamilton; CFMH – Local 107.3FM in St. John, New Brunswick; CHSR 97.9FM in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

August 6, 2024. I was thrilled to be a Suzy Rosenstein’s guest on her popular podcast on Women in the Middle Entrepreneurs. The episode is also available on Apple Podcasts.

August 6, 2024. I was offered a short TV appearance on WISH-TV in Indiana. Click to view the segment.

August 6, 2024. I was Andy Morris’s guest on KVEC 96.5 FM. Andy hosts a Lifestyle Morning show in San Lui Obispo, CA. Visit First Look with Andy Morris.

July 31, 2024. I was a guest on the RISE Radio Program. WHPC 90.3 FM in NY hosted by Dr. Saran Heron and broadcast by Nassau Community College. Dr. Saran aims to change people’s thought process on conversation at a time. Click to listen.

July 1, 2024. I was a guest on The Watchdog Morning Show with Howard Monroe The show is aired daily on 98.1 FM out of Wheeling, West Virginia. Show recordings are available via Apple podcasts.

June 26, 2024. PodTV Network invited me to return for the Online Dinner Party hosted by Marc Lee.

June 11, 2024. PodTV Network invited me to join their World Edition for June 11, 2024.

June 1, 2024. I was a guest on the He’s Just Podcast. Hosted by Jules Douge, who is also the host of He’s Just a Social Worker on  WHCR 90.3 FM “The Voice of Harlem.” Click to listen.

May 30, 2024. Radio show host January Jones interviewed me live on Talk4TV. The episode later aired in June on her BlogTalkRadio page. January has over 2M listeners on BTR! January has a show and a series of books both focusing on Success Stories.

September 6, 2023. Bowei Strategy’s James Liu interviewed Jennifer on Streamyard. The feed went out to LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube. Watch the replay and view comments.

March 21, 2023. Writer Series: Where Minds Meet. Hosted by Sasha on iHeartRadio. Click to listen.

February 27, 2023. Moving Mountains with Sasha. Hosted by Sasha of Kreative Circle on iHeartReadio. Click to listen

February 2023. Dare to Be Authentic. Hosted by Mari Mitchell on BlogTalkRadio. Click to listen.

Jennifer's Media Kit

If you would like to consider interviewing Jennifer, please view her media kit to view story ideas and more. Click here.

What did I write about and why?